The Design Awards Jurors were instructed to judge projects on the following criteria:
Innovation, originality and/or vision
Conceptual clarity
Contextual responsiveness
Thoughtful materialization (economy of means, material selection and detailing, craftsmanship)
Incorporation and communication of principles of sustainability
Three levels of awards were given, including:
Award of Excellence
Criteria 1, 2, 3, and 4: The project must demonstrate exceptional performance in three out of four criteria minimum
Criterion 5: The project must demonstrate exceptional performance per COTE rating system (based on Framework for Design Excellence)
Award of Merit
Criteria 1, 2, 3, and 4: The project must demonstrate exceptional performance in one out of four criteria AND above average performance in two out of the remaning three criteria minimum; or, the project must demonstrate above average performance in all four criteria
Criterion 5: The project must demonstrate above average performance per COTE rating system
Commendation for "...":
Criteria 1, 2, 3, and 4: The project must demonstrate exceptional performance in one out of five criteria (to be clarified by the Jury)
Jury's Criterion: The project must demonstrate exceptional performance in a specific area not covered by criteria 1-5 (to be clarified by the Jury)