We won two of the biggest awards in journalism

A letter from our co-founders

Dear friends,

Something special happened last week, and to be honest, we still can’t quite believe it. Among an amazing group of peers, Stranger’s Guide won two of the most prestigious awards in the publishing industry—the National Magazine Awards for Photography and for General Excellence in Literature, Science and Politics. It’s an honor all the more meaningful given our fellow nominees: The Atlantic, GQ and New York in photography and The Believer, Virginia Quarterly and Aperture in general excellence.

That a small publication, not yet three years old, could win such accolades speaks to our extraordinary community of readers, contributors and partners. You saw the need for this kind of storytelling. We cannot thank you enough for your support and enthusiasm for the work that we do and for the many ways you continue to cheer us on.

If you haven’t already become a Fellow Traveler, join us today. Buy our 2020 collection that impressed the awards’ judges. Or just share this email with a friend.

We’re small, mighty and on our way—but you knew that already.

Thank you for being our partners on this journey.

Kira and Abby
Cofounders, Stranger’s Guide


Abby Rapoport

Abby Rapoport is the publisher and co-founder of Stranger's Guide. Abby spent the first portion of her career as a political reporter, covering Texas politics for the Texas Tribune, the Texas Observer and then The American Prospect. Her work has also appeared in Glamour, The National Journal and The New Republic. Prior to founding Stranger's Guide, she served as Acting Publisher for the Texas Observer and currently chairs the Texas Democracy Foundation.

Kira Brunner Don

Kira Brunner Don is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Stranger’s Guide. She worked as a magazine editor in New York for seventeen years and as a journalist in Eastern Europe and the Balkans. She studied philosophy at The New School’s Graduate Faculty and worked at a think tank at Columbia University before joining Lapham’s Quarterly, where she was executive editor for eight years. She is co-editor of the book The New Killing Fields: Massacre and the Politics of Intervention and is the founding co-director of the Oakland Book Festival.