Idea Bakery: Menu 2012
Our interdisciplinary team hosts events, builds community, and encourages ideas for the present and future of the Old Bakery Block. Here is a snapshot of what’s baking for this year: >>>>(1) Festival of Ideas closing reception- 500 Ideas submitted! Common themes! Next steps! (Alex- Public Workshop + Eric Parks Foundation + AIA) >>>>(2) Summer Wowi conference- Old Bakery could host one day of a multi-week student conference about digital art. Broadcast images live on the exterior of the building as a window into the interior and other, international sites. (Keith/Kim/Dwayne- Wowi will contact Amy re: dates and application process, infrastructure needs) >>>>(3) August- event to create temporary gateway, posters, kiosk, or signage to celebrate reopening of Governor’s Walk between Capitol and Governor’s Mansion. (Roger/Melissa Parks committee + Old Bakery?) >>>>(4) SeptemberMuseum Day- All around town. Should our onsite museum participate? Should it spill outside with something interactive? (Kay to gather details) >>>>(5) October Texas Architect Convention- architectural Tours of Congress starting from the Old Bakery visitor’s center. (AIA/TsA) >>>>(6) November- F1 street closure and likely rental of Old Bakery park for VIPs. How can this site best transform or acknowledge special events? >>>>Floating ideas and micro-events: >>>>Maker’s Fair, Banners Onsite, Light in window, Facebook Photoshop competition (Sarah, John) >>>>Painting Day with Art Groups (Kay) >>>>And thanks Kevin and Chris for the updates on the Colorado street closure, west parking lot improvements, and the 1972 archeological records!