Your Idea Bakery

As we enter the final weeks of our “Festival of Ideas”

(1) 500 ideas submitted by the community so far

(2) Many of community ideas have been tested on the block with micro-events, including our recent Valentine’s Day fair

Our vision:

-Short-term management of public space, through interdisciplinary programming of events and improvements to existing Old Bakery Block parks and facilities.

-Long-term management of public space by building community and strengthening connections between governmental agencies and diverse citizens

-Promote links within urban districts and transit corridors through urban planning tours and events 


* Roger & Melissa are going to Feb 27th DAA Parks Committee Meeting and beginning a task force to focus on short-term improvements to the City-owned pocket park

* Jana will pursue connections with Governor’s Mansion landscape/streetscape design team, with PARD director, and with Councilmember Chris Riley.

* Sarah will propose clearer message for website—mission statement.  (Philip just rewrote a similar section on the Facebook page)

* Amy will update us on reservation process, wi-fi, newsletter update(s). 

* Emily will write up a description of a team challenge for the space.

* Alex will develop an outline brief for the long term.

Next meetings:

* Old Bakery Ideathon efforts continue at DAA Parks Committee this Monday and the monthly Old Bakery lunches (3rd Wednesday 11:30AM) outdoors in the public park.